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Am & Aust Ch Sequels Anu


Black, Copper and White

DOB: 16 June 1993

Eyes clear 2000

Hips Prelim Good at 14 months

Photo Pedigree

Anu holds the distinction of being the first American Champion Australian Shepherd imported into Australia. A bitch of superior confirmation and exceptional movement she has been lightly shown due to time spent on maternal duties.

Anu is a very sweet, soft dog who smiles whenever she thinks you might be convinced she needs patting. Anu is taken to all dog events where the general public will be attending in numbers as she loves meeting everyone. At the largest dog show in the Southern hemisphere, Melbourne Royal, Anu was put in a trolley after 4 hours of being patted so she could have a rest. Jerry-Lee was up top to act as patting dog but was unable to keep his balance as Anu raced backward and forward inside the trolley. In desperation she pushed her leg through the wire and hooked passers-by with her paw! It worked within minutes she was back in prime patting position.

Anu is the publicity machine. Within five minutes of meeting her any guest will be heard to mutter "If Anu ever needs a home......" It would be expected from doggy people but when the horse people start you know this dog is GOOOOD at SCHMOOZING!

She is the dam of Aust Ch Silvanwood A New Spirit (SA), Aust Ch Silvanwood A New Force, Silvanwood A New Horizon (NZ), Aust Ch Silvanwood A New Promise (NSW), Aust Ch Silvanwood Sthern Storm CDX HT, Aust Ch Silvanwood Sthern Land, Silvanwood Sthern Smoke, Aust Ch Silvanwood Highwayman (NSW) and Aust Ch Silvanwood The Big Steal. All these aussies are pointed toward their titles and display Anu's wonderful temperament.