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Aust Ch
Wlkabout Original Blue CD


Blue Merle, Copper & White

DOB 2 April 1992

Full Dention, Eyes Clear, 22"

Hips - 4 : 2

Photo Pedigree

Clancy was my first aussie and the first Australian Shepherd in Victoria, arriving in July 1992. A member of the first litter of aussies born in Australia he is from Gefion lines imported from the United Kingdom. Clancy was the top Australian Shepherd in Victoria in 1994 & 1995 (Working Dog Club of Vic) and was the top Aussie in Australia in 1995 (National Dog/Friskies) Clancy is a multi "in Group" winner and can claim the distinction of being the first of his breed to be awarded a Runner up in Group and the first to gain an "in Show" award.

Clancy has completed his CD and is looking at Tracking for some new challenges. Recently desexed Clancy was unable to compete in the breed classes at the 1998 Australian Shepherd Association of NSW, but put in an amazing performance of heel work in the Open Obedience ring until missing the flight of the dumbbell and giving the amused onlookers a brilliant example of seekback.

Before desexing Clancy produced two litters of pups, his first has a remarkable record of four pups having both Ch and CD before 15 months old. His first litter is Aust Ch Silvanwood Silver Dawn CD ET (WA), Aust Ch Silvanwood Furst Edition CD (SA), Aust Ch Silvanwood Genesis CD, Aust Ch Silvanwood Dark Advent CDX ADX ET TDX, Silvanwood Arrival a much loved family pet and Silvanwood Blazing Debut is family companion and general welcomer for the local Vet.

Clancy's second litter produced Aust Ch Silvanwood Sthern Storm CDX HT and others who continue to represent their father in the show and trial rings, as working dogs and as much loved family friends.