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Am, ASCA & Aust Champion
Ebbtide Main Squeeze


Blue Merle, Copper, White

DOB: 27 March 1991 - May 2001

Eyes clear 2000

OFA Excellent 26 months

Photo Pedigree

Squeeze was the first triple titled conformation Champion in Australia. Arriving in Australia with her American and ASCA titles she took just seven weeks to gain her Australian title. She did this in style taking two Best in Groups awards in the process.

Squeeze adores showing and loves a big crowd. This was never more evident than at the 1997 Eukanuba Spring Fair where she was awarded BOB and Runner up in Group (the second time in two visits to the Spring Fair). At the end of a long hot day the Group winners and the Runner ups were run for the audience before Best in Show judging. Squeeze sensed the size of the audience and motored around the ring showing extension and grace and loving every minute of it. She earned louder cheers and applause than the rest of the exhibits! All that excitement and three weeks in whelp.

Squeeze's third visit to the Spring Fair again saw her awarded BOB and shortlisted for Best in Group. All at 8 3/4 years old and not having been shown for 8 months!

Squeeze is represented in the showring by Aust Ch Silvanwood Saxony Onyx (ACT), Aust Ch Silvanwood Azzure Jewel, Aust Ch Silvanwood Obsidian (NSW), Aust Ch Silvanwood Lonesome Bluz (SA), Aust Ch Silvanwood Shame On You, Silvanwood Restless Hart, Aust Ch Silvanwood Final Option (WA) and Silvanwood After All. Her puppies are also seen in the obedience ring with Silvanwood Final Moment CD ET and Silvanwood Ever After.

Squeeze had four litters in Australia (the last unplanned) and one in the USA. She consistantly produced very nice puppies and her legacy is being carried on by her grandpuppies (Silvanwood and Myriahill) who although young are already taking challenges and classes in group.

Squeeze was the ultimate show animal and delighted in being in the ring. She partnered Jarrod Tyler in Juniors in the last few years and they had an unbeaten record together including winning Best Boy Handler 13 -18 yrs at Melbourne Royal 2001.

Squeeze passed away in May 2001 as a result of a stroke. The day before she had been showing and took a very nice BOB and won Junior Handlers class with her best junior friend Jarrod. She will be missed forever.